The Wyoming Chambers Health Benefit Plan is a non-grandfathered benefit plan under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. This means the plan includes the mandated coverage(s) as required in the law for the benefit of plan participants.
The Wyoming Chambers Health Benefit Plan was founded in 2007 by the Sheridan County and Campbell County Chambers of Commerce. The plan now covers 14 chambers in Wyoming.
The Health Benefit Plan offers employees a choice among seven different medical and two dental benefit choices.
Summary of the Enrollment Requirements
- The employer must be a current member in good standing of at least one of the participating Chambers of Commerce, for at least 60 days prior to applying.
- The employer must have a minimum of 75% of eligible employees participating, for groups of five or more; 100% participation for groups of four or less. Minimum group size is two employees. Husband and Wife groups of two are eligible as long as both are full-time employees.
- Completed Employee Enrollment/Waiver Applications are required from each employee in order to qualify. The entire employer group will either be accepted or denied coverage.
- The Plan’s renewal date is July 1st of each calendar year. Regardless of when enrollment is completed, any changes to the plan rates and/or benefits will take place on July 1st. Open enrollment (the ability to add employees who waived coverage or dependents which had previously waived is the month of June of each year for each participating employer (subject to HIPAA Qualifying Event rules).
- Premium Contributions are made by the employer directly into the Trust Account and are used as described in the Trust Document, Summary Plan Description and Plan Declaration. The Trust is governed by a Board of Trustees, elected as described in the Trust Document.
- The employer must contribute a minimum of 50% of the employee’s premium , or equivalent if multiple plans are offered. Paying too little of the employee’s premium may have tax implications under the ACA (for Applicable Large Employers).
For more information on plan participation, contact the Chamber office for the current brochure or our local plan representative, Laurie Ross, at (307) 674-6973.